Naitik Mehta of ASOIT has won the 2nd Indore International Chess Tournament
Naitik Mehta, a talented IT student from ASOIT (Aditya Silver Oak Institute of Technology), has won the 2nd Indore International Chess Tournament. He clinched the championship against more than 320 players from six countries: USA, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh, Philippines, South Korea, and Sri Lanka.
Defended Project SPIDER in the annual progress review meeting of the GUJCOST.
Dr. Pina Bhatt, Principal Investigator, and Dr. Umang Parmar, Co-Principal Investigator, of Project Spider: A Security Device Based on Theo Jansen Mechanism have defended the project in the annual progress review meeting of the GUJCOST.

Prof. Bhavsar presented a groundbreaking paper at the International Conference
Prof. Bhavsar presented a groundbreaking paper on "Fault Diagnosis of a Centrifugal Pump using MODWPT and SVMA" at the prestigious International Conference on Futuristic Advancements in Materials, Manufacturing, and Thermal Sciences (ICFAMMT 2024) hosted by the Space Society of Mechanical Engineers (SSME) and Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research and Management (IITRAM)

Aditya Silver Oak Institute of Technology received a distinguished award
Aditya Silver Oak Institute of Technology received a distinguished award from the World Education Congress Awards in the category of Best Academic Institution at The Gujarat Education Leadership Awards 2023 ceremony which was hosted at the Vivanta-by-Taj, Ahmedabad on September 8, 2023.
Prof. Sagar Patel,completed upskill course from MIT
Prof. Sagar Patel, Department of Computer Engineering has completed upskill course from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is a world's renowned engineering Institute on "DATA SCIENCE AND MACHINE LEARNING : MAKING DATA DRIVEN DECISIONS"
Mr Swapnil Vegad, has presented a research paper in the fields of Designing
Mr Swapnil Vegad (Assistant Professor), from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, has presented a research paper in the fields of Designing, and bearing fault diagnosis at the 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Infrastructure (ICRAM) 2022 organized by Institute of Infrastructure Technology, Research & Management (IITRAM) and Indian Institute of Technology – Bhilai (IIT – Bhilai).
Dr Umang Parmar presented his work at science city
Dr Umang Parmar presented his work at the stage of the “STI Ecosystem for Societal Development” at science city, Ahmedabad on the 5th and 6th of January 2023
Dr. Mit Patel has awarded for Researcher of the Year
Dr. Mit Patel has awarded for Researcher of the Year by Edumatrix Foundation in 2023.
Prof. Janki Barot and Prof. Jenice Bhavsar were invited as scientific jury members
Prof. Janki Barot and Prof. Jenice Bhavsar were invited as scientific jury members at state level National Children’s Science Congress 2022 program(December-2022,January 2023) at Science City, Ahmedabad. The event was organized by Gujarat Council on Science and Technology (GUJCOST), working under the aegis of the department of Science and Technology, Government of Gujarat. "
Dr. Jay A Dave Reviewer in the 2nd International Conference
Dr. Jay A Dave, Associate Professor in Computer Engineering Department, Aditya Silver Oak Institute of Technology, Silver Oak University invited as a Program Committee Member and Reviewer in the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Data-driven Computing and Intelligent Systems (ADCIS 2023) held during September 21-23, 2023.
Miss. Kinal Bhavsar completed Summer Fellowship Program at IIT MADRAS
Miss. Kinal Bhavsar from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Aditya Silver Oak Institute Of Technology, successfully completed the Summer Fellowship Program-2023 at IIT MADRAS from May 31st to July 31st, 2023, on the topic of "Rheological And Swelling Behavior Of Polysaccharides" as a part of the internship Offered by IIT MADRAS.

Aditya Silver Oak Institute of Technology has secured 10th rank in GSIRF 2021
Aditya Silver Oak Institute of Technology has secured 10th rank in GSIRF 2021 among all the engineering institutes of the Gujarat State.
The Ranking represent great eminence and excellence of institutes, carried out by Knowledge Consortium of Gujarat and ICARE which is India’s most trusted institution ranking and rating authority.
A Student's contribution towards Oxygen Production during the Pandemic
As we all are aware about the shortage of oxygen cylinders and the subsequent consequences during this pandemic, we all need to contribute towards the solution by incorporating our capabilities. Daivom Joshi, 6thsemester student of Chemical Engineering Department, Aditya Silver Oak Institute of Technology (ASOIT) has set such an example which will definitely turn out to be a source of motivation for other students.
He has prepared a prototype for the oxygen production in the most economical and easy-to-operate manner. We hope that this innovative invention will surely help to resolve the oxygen crisis and save many lives. We congratulate him for this great achievement and wish him all the best for his future endeavours.

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is a national level examination administered & conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) & 7 Indian Institutes of Technologies (IITs) on behalf of the National Coordination Board - GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), Government of India. Almost 20,000 Chemical Engineers appear in GATE exam every year.
Chemical Engineering Department of Aditya Silver Oak Institute of Technology feels immense proud to announce that their final year students from 2016 Batch, Mr. Dhruv Patel & Mr. Mitesh Patel have secured All India Rank (AIR) 624 & 2295 respectively in GATE 2021 organized by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay. We congratulate both on their great success and wish them all the best for their future endeavours.
Mr. Dhruv Patel AIR 625 |
Mr. Mitesh Patel AIR 2295 |
Department of #Mechanical #Engineering of Aditya Silver Oak Institute of Technology feels great pride to announce the achievement of Students from 6th semester mechanical engineering. Shreyansh Tilva and Harsh Rana has secured 1st rank and win the cash price of Rs.20,000 in the Quizo2020 which held at Nirma University on 7th march 2020 among top engineering colleges in ASHRAE-WIC region (comprising of Gujarat and Indore).
Hands on Session on PYTHON #PROGRAMMING
Hands on Session on “PYTHON #PROGRAMMING” was organized by White Oak club of Computer Engineering Department, Aditya Silver Oak Institute of Technology (ASOIT) on 14th September, 2019 i.e. Saturday from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM at Titanium Hall (C-Block).
The students of 3rd, 5th and 7th semester have participated in the above session with a passion to learn Practical aspects of Python fundamentals.
Whole session was conducted by our 5th semester students namely Karan Modi and Karan vora.
Shri Dewang Mehta IT Awards for Academic Excellence
Meet Our Toppers from IT & CE Department at Aditya Silver Oak Institute of Technology who got Shri Dewang Mehta IT Awards for Academic Excellence.
We are proud of your success.
Students placed at Cygnet Infotech from 2019 batch CE/IT
Our Students placed at Cygnet Infotech from 2019 batch CE/IT engineering branch of Aditya Silver Oak Institute of Technology.
Congrats to all the students.
ASME HPVC Human Powered Vehicle Challenge
Department of Mechanical Engineering of Aditya Silver Oak Institute of Technology feels great pride to announce the achievement of Team Infinity has secured 2nd rank in Female Sprint Race and 2nd Rank in Endurance Race in ASME HPVC Human Powered Vehicle Challenge among Top 50 Teams from Asia Pacific, ASME E-Fest 2020 held at Marwadi University, Rajkot Gujarat.
Research Project (Funded by GUJCOST)
Department of Mechanical Engineering has received Research project fund on the title "Spider: A security device- Based on Theo Jansen Mechanism" from the Gujarat Council of Science And Technology(GUJCOST) under the Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policy.

Department of Aeronautical engineering from Aditya Silver Oak institute of Technology (ASOIT) congratulates Komal Prajapati for successfully completing 12 week course of Rocket propulsion during Jan-Apr 2020 term through NPTEL SWAYAM platform.

Department of Electrical engineering from Aditya Silver Oak institute of Technology (ASOIT) congratulates PARESH CHANDEGARA for successfully completing 08 week course of POWER SYSTEM PROTECTION & SWITCHGEAR during Sep - Nov 2020 term through NPTEL SWAYAM platform.

Indian Classical Dance in INDONESIA
Our student Foram_Chudasama from the 7th sem IT_Engineering branch of Aditya Silver Oak Institute of Technology represented Indian_Classical_Dance in INDONESIA.

Faculty from Department of Electrical engineering, Mr. Utsav Yagnik ha
s been mentioned as a NPTEL BELIEVER category due to my completion of 4 courses in 1 year of 2020.

Online Orientation Program - Ph.D Students
Students got detailed information on how their upcoming semesters are going to be on. Their spirit is high, it would be great to see them come out of SOU with a Ph.D
Meet our Toppers - Electrical Engineering
The wires of their brains are designed so well, that we can expect nothing less than a revolutionary innovation from these 2 toppers. Congratulations on achieving the best scores in your last semester of under graduation course
Placement in BYJU'S - The Learning App
All the learnings at Silver Oak will help him to enhance the functioning of "The Learning App" Congratulations Shivam, waiting to hear more achievements from you.
Meet our Toppers - B.E.
The growth in 3rd semesters is great but we are sure they can achieve more.
Placement in BYJU'S - The Learning App
Placements at SOU allow you to work and learn from some great firms. These 3 students grabbed the opportunity and made the best out of it.
sessions on Use of PR Skills in day to day life - Learner Centric Approach
It was a great moment for Silver Oak University Ahmedabad to be invited by R P Vasani International school towards celebration of their 7th Foundation day. As a friendly gesture, the Vice Provost of Silver Oak University Dr. Pina Bhatt and Head of Computer Engineering Department of Silver Oak University Prof. Sagar Patel conducted two sessions on " Use of PR Skills in day to day life" and " Learner Centric Approach " in presence of 60 Faculty members, hon'ble Principal Ms. Jyoti Kakaria and Hon'ble Trustee of the School respected Raoji Bhai Vasani.
Startup funded by StartUp Gujarat
It's pleasure to see our skilled students who are founders of a Startup funded by StartUp Gujarat in their last year of undergraduate courses. Alter EV conversion Pvt Ltd. will manufacture conversion kits that can convert old petrol fuel vehicles into fully electric vehicles at an affordable cost. We wish these students achieve greater heights in near future. SOU is proud of you.
Meet our Toppers - C.E. Department
These bright students are determined to achieve the best results. Kudos to them. Expecting more from you all in the upcoming semesters.
Lucent Innovation
Silver Oak University congratulates its 2021 passed-out students Dhiraj Jethani, Milan Prajapati, and Yash Makwana for getting selected in Lucent Innovation, and wish them a successful journey ahead!
Excellence in Academics
Congratulations to the gem who has achieved extraordinary excellence in academics. SOU is proud to have Meet Mehta in the Electrical Engineering Department, A Brilliant Student who scored 10 out of 10 - SPI Result in the 7th Sem Winter 2020 GTU Examination. We wish to hear more achievements from you in near future.
Meet our Toppers - I.T. Department
Congratulations to these gems who have achieved excellence in academics. We deny the power of learning ability when we say marks aren't important. Yes, Marks are Important, they test your capabilities and motivate you to improve your skills.
Meet our Toppers - C.E. Department
Congratulations to these gems who have achieved excellence in academics. We deny the power of learning ability when we say marks aren't important. Yes, Marks are Important, they test your capabilities and motivate you to improve your skills.
Placement in BYJU'S - The Learning App
Proud to see students who haven't completed their education yet but are making it big in the corporate world. Kudos to Milind Malani & Vatsal Jain. Waiting to hear more achievements from you in near future.
Department of Civil engineering from Aditya Silver Oak institute of Technology (ASOIT) congratulates BHATT NEHANG PRAKASHBHAI for successfully completing 08 week course of PLASTIC WASTE MANAGEMENT during Jan-March 2020 term through NPTEL SWAYAM platform.
E-culfest 2021
Let's witness E-culfest 2021 on 8th-9th February organised by Silver Oak University, with 1500+ participations get ready for an amazing experience once again
R10 SAC IEEE Student Branch
From receiving Best New Student Branch in Membership 2017 to R10 SAC Outstanding Student Branch and many more milestone to achieve. We are immensely proud to announce that Silver Oak University IEEE SB, taking the legacy ahead, has received the award of “IEEE R10 SAC Outstanding Student Branch 2021” at IEEE Sparklers International SB 2021 consisting of over 1644 Student Branches.

Students of IT Department, Aditya Silver Oak Institute of Technology (ASOIT) organized Hands on Session on “PYTHON PROGRAMMING” on 14th September, 2019 i.e. Saturday from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM at Titanium Hall (C-Block).
The students of 3rd, 5th and 7th semester have participated in the above session with a passion to learn Practical aspects of Python fundamentals.Whole session was conducted by our 5th semester students namely Karan Modi and Karan vora.
Meet Our Toppers from IT Department
Meet Our Toppers from IT Department at Aditya Silver Oak Institute of Technology who got Shri Dewang Mehta IT Awards for Academic Excellence.
Youngest Certified Ethical Hacker
Sharing here the achievement of our student Path Gupta of 5th Semester Information Technology Department, Aditya Silver Oak Institute of Technology who has got the Youngest Certified Ethical Hacker award by Golden Book of World Records. Parth has achieved this award at the age of 15 years.

Indian Classical Dance in INDONESIA
Our student Foram Chudasama from IT Engineering branch of Aditya Silver Oak Institute of Technology represented Indian Classical Dance in INDONESIA
Folk Art Festival of CIOFF - INDONESIA
Our student Foram Chudasama from IT Engineering branch of Aditya Silver Oak Institute of Technology represented INDIA in Folk Dances in a Folk Art Festival of CIOFF which was held in "INDONESIA".
IOT & Augmented Reality A Digital & Physical Convergence’
The Computer & IT Engineering Department of Aditya Silver Oak Institute of Technology organized an Expert Session ‘IOT & Augmented Reality A Digital & Physical Convergence’ for all the faculty members.
Mr. Saket Chakole from Parametric Technology (India) Pvt. Ltd. expert in IOT & Augmented Reality delivered the session. In the session faculties got the information about augmented reality,how Digital & Physical convergence is shaping the future of Product & its Life cycle with live demonstration.